Community Planning

Community planning aims to build the connection between communities and local government. It is a process where communities identify their goals for improving the social, economic and environmental well-being of their town.

What is Community Planning?

The Community Planning Program is a Council supported initiative which provides the framework to assist communities develop, implement and acquit 4-year Community Plans.

The Community Planning Program has been running since 2000 and since that time over 130 volunteer Community Coordinators have worked with their communities to develop, implement and report on Community Plans.  

The aim of the program is to build a community’s capacity to identify, design and implement projects in their community. There are three core principles that underpin the Community Planning Program:  

There are three core principles that underpin the Community Planning Program: 

  • Community members have a voice and the ability to contribute to the development of their towns community plan. 
  • Community members are best placed to identify and action projects to improve their own communities. 
  • More can be achieved for Golden Plains Shire communities if community members, Council and other key stakeholders work in partnership.  

To learn more about Community Planning program please watch this video. 

What is a Community Coordinator?

Community Coordinators play a critical role in bringing the diverse views of community members together in one local plan. They engage and consult with their communities on key issues and projects, identify and prioritise topics and use that information to develop a four-year action plan.

Over the four years, Community Coordinators identify key stakeholders such as Project Champions, Project Volunteers, community groups or organisations, businesses, government and funding bodies to collaborate with to achieve outcomes under their plan.

What is a Project Volunteer?

Project Volunteers work with Project Champions to assist in the delivery of a specific project.  

Project Volunteers’ commitment may vary depending on the needs of the project and the capacity of the volunteer. Some Project Volunteers are activated to contribute to one off tasks, like a tree planting session or writing a grant application. Other Project Volunteers are activated throughout a project at varying times while the project is being completed.

What is a Mentor and what is their role?

As part of the Community Planning Program, Council will engage experienced community development professionals who will provide mentoring and coaching throughout the development of the plan in areas such as: 

  • Consultation and engagement strategy 
  • Communication plans 
  • Stakeholder and community asset mapping 
  • Identifying key priorities 
  • Development of the final plan 
  • Presentation for Council on final plan

What is the process for Community Planning?

The Community Planning Program is a three-phase process:  

  • Phase 1: Planning 
  • Phase 2: Implementing 
  • Phase 3: Reporting 

Your Community Plan will be a document that outlines your community’s vision and priority projects for the next four years. Each town will work through each phase at their own pace depending on their individual circumstances and resources. While some plans may be similar across the shire, each township is unique and diverse.

Community Planning 3

History & Achievements

Community Planning Program in Golden Plains Shire has been operating since 1999 and has produced incredible outcomes. The program has been heralded as ‘perhaps the best-known example of community planning’ by The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government.

Some examples of Community Planning Achievements include:

  • The iconic Cape Clear Lighthouse and sailing ship themed playground.
  • The unique Turtle Bend venue for live concerts, events and activities in Teesdale. 
  • The beautiful Bunjil Viewing Platform at Maude.
  • The Meredith Visitor Centre.
  • Community Information Signs (Enfield, Lethbridge, Shelford, Teesdale, Grenville and Dereel).
  • Hall Improvements in Garibaldi, Teesdale, Barunah Park, Shelford, Napoleons, Ross Creek, Wallinduc and Mannibadar.
  • Social nights at Halls in Garibaldi and Barunah Park.
  • Corindhap Avenue of Honour and Miner’s Cage.
  • Batesford Family Fun Day - first ever community event in Batesford.
  • And the list goes on….

Bunjil Lookout

Get involved - help shape your township

Community planning is open to everyone in the community and the commitment and input required is flexible.

Residents can volunteer to be a Community Coordinator and in doing so assist to develop and implement the plan. You may like to contribute to implementing one specific project you are particularly passionate about or you may just like to input your ideas and comments into the community plan. 

There are many benefits to being involved in community planning which include:

  • Helping improve your community such as establishing more social events, developing new infrastructure, facilitates or help to ‘beautify’ your town.
  • Meeting local residents and connecting with community groups in your town.
  • Gaining satisfaction and a sense of achievement from contributing to the future of the community you live in.
  • Learning new skills.

Community Planning EOI

If you would like to know more about becoming involved in this program and volunteering in a capacity that suits your lifestyle to help build and shape a community plan in your town contact [email protected] 

How does Council assist Community Planning?

  • Council contracts an independent professional mentor who assists communities to develop and implement Community Plans. The mentor provides the community members with tools, training, and guidance to support the community to achieve outcomes and develop a robust community plan.
  • Engagement and consultation fund of up to $1,000 to support community during the planning phase of the program. These funds can be available for e.g. printing of surveys, newsletter articles and launching community plan to the community.
  • Council provides Seed funding to each participating community at the end of the planning phase of up to $10,000 towards priority projects identified on the community plan developed by community.
  • The implementation of seed funding unfolds over a 4- year cycle, council will provide support as required during this phase.
  • Council provides community with information and advice when implementing the projects within their community plans. The information and advice provided includes information on legal and regulatory requirements such as issuing planning permits, building permits, maintenance and engineering advice etc. 
  • Partner – on some occasions Council will partner with the community to deliver a community project.  In such instances the community and Council work together, contributing time and resources to make the project happen. 

Which Golden Plains Communities are involved in Community Planning?

There are currently 23 communities in Golden Plains involved in the community planning program which include:

  1. Bannockburn 2023 - 2027
  2. Barunah Park 2021 - 2024
  3. Batesford 2017 - 2020
  4. Berringa/Staffordshire Reef 2019 - 2022
  5. Cape Clear/Illabarook/Rokewood Junction 2023 - 2027
  6. Dereel 2022 - 2026
  7. Enfield 2011 - 2014
  8. Garibaldi 2024 - 2027
  9. Haddon 2017 - 2020
  10. Inverleigh 2022 - 2026 & Inverleigh Community Plan 
  11. Lethbridge 2017 - 2020
  12. Linton 2016 - 2019
  13. Mannibadar 2023 - 2027
  14. Maude/Steiglitz/She Oaks 2022 - 2026
  15. Meredith 2024 - 2027
  16. Napoleons 2014 - 2017
  17. Rokewood/Corindhap 2018 - 2021
  18. Ross Creek/Smythes Creek 2017 - 2020
  19. Scarsdale 2021 - 2024
  20. Shelford 2022 - 2026
  21. Smythesdale 2021 - 2024
  22. Teesdale 2022 - 2026
  23. Wallinduc 2018 - 2021

For more information, please contact Council on 5220 7111 and ask to speak to the Community Partnerships Officer or email [email protected]

Key Contacts

Community Planning Information and Resources

This section provides links to tools and resources which Golden Plains Community Coordinators can use as they are preparing their new community plan with their communities. 

A community planning information pack has been prepared to help guide Community Planning Groups through the process.

Information Pack

Community planning groups will be supported through the process by Golden Plains Shire Council and Non Profit Training.

Non Profit Training

Phase 1: Planning

Below are the stages outlined in Phase one: Planning, and the tools which might be helpful for each stage.

Acquittal of previous plan completed

Review of previous plan

Identify, monitor and evaluate

Undertaking community consultation

Analyse information

Draft the plan

Prepare the 'plan snapshot'

Apply for SEED funding

Launch Community Plan

Phase 2: Implementation

Tools and resources coming soon

Phase 3: Reporting

Tools and resources coming soon