Bollards installed at Teesdale’s Fire Access Tracks


Following concerns from residents about suspected unauthorised activity on the fire access tracks between Red Gum and Tulla Drive and Tulla Drive and Bakers Lane, Council, in consultation with the local CFA Captain, has installed a number of permanent and fold-down bollards.

Fire Access Tracks are for the sole use of the CFA in an emergency and are not to be used by motorists for any reason.

The new bollards will prevent damage to the tracks during the winter months, leading to less rehabilitation works being required and a smoother passage for the CFA, which is vital, especially during the Fire Danger Period.

Council thanks those community members who contacted Council about the unauthorised use of the tracks. Issues, enquiries and concerns can be directed to Council via phone (5220 7111), email ([email protected]) or our Customer Service Portal.

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