Share Your Ideas: Economic Development Plan

Economic Development Strategy
Business & Economic Development

Golden Plains Shire Council is preparing its Economic Development, Tourism & Investment Attraction (EDTIA) Strategy 2022-2032 and is seeking community input. 

The EDTIA Strategy will deliver a vision and strategies for economic development and job creation in Golden Plains Shire and produce a list of prioritised projects, including key infrastructure projects and support programs that will close the gap between the current situation and future potential. 

The economy of Golden Plains Shire is currently driven by specialisations in agriculture (including food product manufacturing), and by population growth. Key export products relate to products from traditional industry sectors like mining, manufacturing, and agriculture. There are new investments flowing into the economy, most notably in renewable energy, as well as transport, retail and waste infrastructure. 

Industries with potential for development include agriculture and food product manufacturing, health and aged care, population serving sectors like retail, renewable energy, and tourism and events. Economic strengths include the Shire’s ample land capacity; location close to Geelong, Melbourne and Ballarat; liveability, small townships, and environmental assets, though improvements can be made to improve these strengths. Challenges to address include transport and logistics infrastructure.

Golden Plains Shire businesses and residents are invited to complete the community survey, providing valuable input on the local economy and tourism into the Draft EDTIA Strategy. The survey will gather key stakeholder views and determine business sectors and activities, existing and potential, that can be supported to create sustainable competitive advantages. The survey input will be used along with that of other community members and stakeholders to prepare the Draft EDTIA Strategy. 

The Economic Development, Tourism and Investment Attraction Strategy 2022-2032 Survey is now open and closes at 9am, Monday 20 June. Complete the survey at or pick up a copy of the survey at Council’s Customer Service Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn. Completed paper surveys may be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to: Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC, 3331, marked ‘Attention: Economic Development Strategy’.

Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble encouraged local residents and businesses to provide input to the Draft EDTIA Strategy. 

Golden Plains Shire will continue to experience significant population growth over the next decade and the development and support of a diverse and thriving local economy is key to the prosperity of our communities. 

Economic analysis and research undertaken as part of the development of the Economic Development, Tourism and Investment Attraction Strategy 2022-2032 reports that the Shire’s economy has been growing at rates slower than population growth and that Golden Plains experiences high rates of economic leakage as residents work and spend money in neighbouring municipalities.

Council has proudly supported our business community through two difficult years due to the COVID-10 pandemic and as our local economy recovers, we look forward to developing a strategic plan to drive greater growth and attract investment for our local economy and our tourism sector.

The communities and businesses of Golden Plains have knowledge that is important to shaping the Draft EDTIA Strategy and I encourage residents to complete the community survey and share their ideas.