Best Value Review of Bannockburn Children’s Services

Child & Family Services

A Best Value Review of Bannockburn Children’s Services will be undertaken and presented to Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 24 September 2019.

Under the Local Government Act 1989 and Council’s enterprise agreement, Council is required to implement ‘Best Value Principles’ when delivering its services. This report will review the delivery of long day care services provided at Bannockburn Child and Family Services.

During the Best Value Review process, there will be no disruption to children, families or staff of Bannockburn Children’s Services with all programs and services to operate as usual.

Council is committed to delivering services that are of a high quality and provide the best value to the community. The Best Value Review will report on the current service delivery model, quality and costs standards, and analysis of market conditions.

As part of the Best Value Review, Council will conduct an external Expression of Interest (EOI) process to determine if there are other providers (commercial or not-for-profit) that may have an interest and capability to deliver the day care services at a better standard or level of service. The EOI process will inform a better understanding of how the day care services are being delivered and how they can continue to be delivered in the future. The EOI process is, therefore, non-binding on both Council and those providers who submit an EOI.

In undertaking the Best Value Review, Council is not making a decision about the future of the day care services. The review will gather preliminary information in order to ensure that the services continue to meet the Best Value Principles and deliver a full report for Council’s consideration.

Council is committed to conducting this review in an open and transparent way. At this stage of the review Council is not required to engage in a formal consultation process, however all Bannockburn Children and Family Services staff and client families, Committee of Management, and Golden Plains Shire Council staff have been notified of the Best Value Review process. Council will also give careful and genuine consideration to any feedback that it receives concerning the review.

A report on the Best Value Review will be presented to Council at its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 24 September 2019.

Best Value Review Timeline.JPG

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