Early Years Resource Page

On this resource page you can find information regarding Children's Services Policies, general service information and links to external resources.

Children's Services Policies

In 2012 the National Quality Framework (NQF) introduced a new quality standard to improve education and care across long day care, family day care, preschool/kindergarten and outside school hours care services.  The National Quality Standards (NQS) are how all early childhood education and care services are assessed and rated to ensure a high level of educational and developmental outcomes for children.

Our polices and procedures have been built around the key seven (7) quality areas of the National Quality Standard (NQS).

So what are the seven (7) quality areas?

  1. Education programs and practice
  2. Children's health and safety
  3. The physical environment
  4. Staffing arrangements
  5. Relationships with children
  6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  7. Leadership and service management

For more information regarding the NQF and the NQS please visit: http://acecqa.gov.au

Our policies:
Education Program and Practice

Curriculum Development  next review Jan 2024

Inclusion and Equity on exhibition until 31 Jul 2024

Inclusive Practices (Family Day Care) next review Jul 2024

Children's Health and Safety

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations on exhibition until 29 Jul 2024

Administration of First Aid next review Jan 2026

Administration of Medication on exhibition until 31 Jul 2024

Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reactions on exhibition until 31 Jul 2024

Animals & Domestic Pets (Family Day Care) next review Jul 2024

Asthma Management  next review Jun 2024

Child Safe Environment & Wellbeing  next review Feb 2026

Child Safety Standards - Supplementary Code of Conduct next review Jul 2023

Dealing with Infectious Diseases next review Jun 2024

Dealing with Medical Conditions next review Jun 2024

Delivery and Collection of Children next review Jan 2024

Diabetes next review Feb 2026

Emergency and Evacuation next review Mar 2026

Epilepsy and Seizures on exhibition until 31 Jul 2024

Excursions and Service Events next review Mar 2026

eSafety for Children  next review Feb 2026

Food Safety next review Mar 2026

Hygiene on exhibition until 31 Jul 2024

Illness Procedure (Family Day Care) next review Jul 2024

Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness next review Mar 2026

Mental Health and Wellbeing next review Mar 2026

Nutrition, Oral Health and Active Play next review Mar 2026

Road Safety and Safe Transport next review Jun 2024

Sleep and Rest - Kindergarten & LHC next review Mar 2026

Sleep and Rest - FDC next review Mar 2026

Snake Awareness & First Aid next review Mar 2026

Sun Protection next review Feb 2026

Supervision of Children

Tobacco, E-Cigarettes, Alcohol and other Drugs on exhibition until 1 Aug 2024

Transport (Family Day Care) next review Jul 2024

Visitors and Visitors Register (Family Day Care) next review Jul 2024

Water Safety next review Mar 2026

Physical Environment
Relationships with Children

Interactions with children on exhibition until 2 Aug 2024

Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities
Governance and Leadership

Support and Resources for Victorian Parents and Carers

Click on the links below to visit the Victorian governments website for practical information for Victorian Parents and Carers to support their child's learning needs.