Outside School Hours Care

Outside School Hours Care (sometimes called 'After School Care') provides care for school aged children before and after school hours.

Outside School Hours Care provides care for school aged children before and after school hours. The following schools offer this service: 

YMCA Bannockburn College OSHC
139 Milton Street Bannockburn
(Bannockburn College)
Before and After School Care operated by the YMCA
For more information please phone: 0437 231 376 or email [email protected]
YMCA St Mary McKillop OSHC
32 High Street Bannockburn
Before and After School Care operated by the YMCA
For more information please phone: 0477 677 149 or email [email protected]
Lethbridge Primary School
After School Care
Stephenson Street Lethbridge
03 5281 7214
[email protected]
Teesdale Primary School
Before and After School Care
Main Road Teesdale
03 5281 5218
[email protected]
Meredith Primary School
After School Care
Russell Street Meredith
03 5286 1313
[email protected]
Inverleigh Primary School
After School Care
03 5265 1340
[email protected]


In venue care is a centre-based licensed children’s service provided by a single educator as part of the Council’s Family Day Care service. The following schools offer this service:

Haddon Primary School 
In-Venue-Care and Ross Creek After School Care
Contact the Bannockburn Family Services Centre
03 5220 7230

Council’s Family Day Care Educators can provide before school, after school and vacation care for school aged children. For more information visit Family Day Care.