Time to Start Thinking About Kindergarten Enrolments

Kinder enrolments
Child & Family Services

If you have a child who’s turning three in 2023, now is the time to start thinking about enrolling them in a three-year-old kindergarten program in 2024.

Research shows that play-based learning is a powerful way to support children’s development and these benefits last into the school years and beyond.  A quality kindergarten program will have more of an impact for children who start at age three rather than four, and the benefits are even greater for children who may be in vulnerable circumstances.

The Victorian Government has made kindergarten programs free for three and four-year-old children up to $2,500 per year, per child. Free kinder a critical component of the State Government’s Best Start, Best Life reform. 

Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said there were clear benefits for children who participated in kindergarten services before attending school.

“Kindergarten programs provide children social and engagement skills, helps prepare them for the transition to school and it’s strongly recommended that children attend kindergarten for two years of early learning before they start school.

“There are quality kindergarten services offered across Golden Plains Shire which give families access to early education programs to help set them up for educational success.” 

Participation in the free kinder initiative is an opt-in decision made by individual kindergarten services. In 2023, all services offering funded kindergarten programs within Golden Plains Shire have opted-in to this initiative, however it is important to check with your preferred kindergarten provider to ascertain whether additional fees are attributed as these may apply especially in childcare settings.  

All Golden Plains Shire Council operated kindergarten services are participating, so you will not be required to make any fee payments for three and four-year-old kinder programs from 2023. To enrol at a Golden Plains Shire Council service, or to see a list of all Kindergarten services and programs available throughout Golden Plains Shire, please visit: goldenplains.vic.gov.au/resident/child-and-family/kindergartens  

Council operates Funded Kindergartens in Bannockburn, Meredith, Teesdale, Rokewood and Inverleigh and also plays an important advocacy role across the early years sector to promote the importance of accessing kindergarten either in sessional or childcare settings. Private childcare providers offering kindergarten include Eureka Community Kindergarten Association (ECKA) in Haddon and Scarsdale, and Bannockburn centre-based services include Bright Minds, Kardinia Early Learning Bannockburn and Nurture Learn and Play.

For further information on the Council-operated kindergarten services, or assistance with the enrolment process, contact Council’s Child & Family Services on 5220 7230 or email: [email protected]

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