Solar Compacting Bins Installed

Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble with Solar Compacting Bins at Turtle Bend
Waste Management

Two pairs of solar compacting waste and recycling bins were recently installed at the Bannockburn Heart in Bannockburn and Turtle Bend Reserve in Teesdale.

The new bins use a compacting system powered by solar panels to compress waste and recycling as it is added to allow more waste to fit in each bin. This system enables the bins to hold more waste and ensures they are less likely to overflow during busy periods. 

Inbuilt sensors in the bins will provide data about their usage, including how often they’re being used and how full they are, making it easier to reduce incidences of over-flowing bins during high use times.   

The $35,524 installation of the bins was funded by Council and is part of a trial to evaluate the success of solar compacting waste bins within Golden Plains. 

Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble is excited about the new bins being installed. 

The new solar compacting bins are an excellent addition to the Bannockburn Heart and Turtle Bend Reserve in Teesdale. These are two high foot traffic areas in the Shire and there have been incidences of bins over-flowing following events in these locations. 

With a solar powered compacting system, these bins hold five times the amount of waste as other bins and also ensure that space is reduced in landfill.  

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