Shop Local This Festive Season


Golden Plains Shire Council is proud to support the local business community and encourages residents to keep their money in the Shire to help the economic recovery this festive season.

When you are preparing for the holidays, please consider these valuable ways to support local businesses in Golden Plains:

Shop Local

Eat, drink and be merry this Christmas! Remember to shop local when you stock up for festive guests with fresh, quality food and wines from Golden Plains.

Heading out of town this summer holidays? Grab the groceries, petrol and holiday essentials at local businesses before you leave the Shire.

Gift Local

Golden Plains Shire is home to charming stores to find the perfect Christmas gift or visit a farmers’ market to purchase locally-made presents.

Looking for a gift idea? Pick up a gift card for a local business, winery or restaurant in Golden Plains.

Engage Local

Quality hairdressers, beauty services, car mechanics – Golden Plains Shire has a wide range of local service businesses. For all your pre-Christmas or pre-holiday appointments, try a local business and support the Golden Plains economy.

Celebrate Local

Hosting Christmas festivities this year? Save yourself the hard work and treat your friends and relatives to a great coffee, drink or meal at a local café, restaurant, winery or pub.

When planning a work Christmas function, make a booking at one of many great venues in Golden Plains and support hospitality in the Shire.

Buy Local

Impressive wines, delicious food and stunning arts and crafts: it’s all made right here in Golden Plains. When you are buying this Christmas, visit a farmers’ market or store and look for local products to support our Shire’s creatives and makers.

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