Mission Australia Youth Survey now open


The Mission Australia Youth Survey is back again in 2018, helping give voice to the concerns, values and ideas of young Australians, aged 15 to 19 years.

This year’s survey will ask new questions focusing on social media, alcohol and drugs, barriers to employment and how young people feel about their community.

The short online survey (linked below) is now open – respondents are encouraged to enter code 74402 so that Golden Plains Shire Council receives the feedback of local youth (feedback will be anonymous).

Parents are asked to encourage their children to participate in the survey, using the above code. Golden Plains Shire Council requires 60 responses from Golden Plains Shire young people for Mission Australia to generate a report specific to our region. This information will influence how Council supports young people in the future, so if you want to see change in our community, this is your chance.

The survey closes on Wednesday 8 August.

Take the survey

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