G21 Regional Football (Soccer) Strategy Endorsed

Soccer kids
Media Release

Council endorsed the G21 Regional Football (Soccer) Strategy at its meeting on Tuesday 27 February. 

The Strategy, a visionary roadmap for the future of soccer development across the G21 region for the next decade, is an initiative of Football Victoria and was developed in collaboration with G21 Health and Wellbeing Pillar.  This strategy outlines key findings, current trends and strategic priorities for football (soccer), including within Golden Plains Shire.

The Strategy, informed by a facilities audit, participation data and extensive stakeholder engagement, including the active involvement of the five participating councils, Project Control Group, Project Reference Group, and local agencies, sets out to guide the planning and development of football (soccer) for the region.  It builds upon the success achieved since the inception of the original regional strategy in 2021. 

Over the next ten years, it aims to enhance facilities, promote inclusivity and foster a lifelong love for the game among players of all ages and background. 

Golden Plains Shire Mayor, Cr Brett Cunningham said that the strategy has undergone a public exhibition process, with the document reflective of the region’s collective vision for football development.

We’re excited to support this strategy, which serves as a framework for clubs, leagues, G21 Councils, and other stakeholders to align their priorities and investments for the betterment of soccer in our region and broader communities”, Cr Cunningham said.

Council acknowledges the invaluable input and collaboration from a broad range of stakeholders in shaping the strategy, which is a testament to our commitment to the growth and enrichment of such a fantastic sport within our communities.  

For further information on the G21 Regional Football (Soccer) Strategy and its initiatives, please visit Council’s website goldenplains.vic.gov.au