Free seminars for parents with kids who worry

Child & Family Services

Do you find yourself concerned about your child worrying too much?

Beyond Blue says that anxiety can flare up when we, or our children, are faced with a threatening situation because our brains and bodies respond by kicking into safety mode. Then the adrenalin starts pumping. Some people, including children, react more quickly or intensely to situations they find threatening, or find it harder to get their anxious feelings under control. Some children also perceive the world to be scarier or more dangerous than others.

This is why we, together with Drummond Street Services, are facilitating a special two-part seminar for parents and carers of children aged 2-10 years. Across two seminars, called ‘Parenting Children who Worry Too Much’, parents and carers can find out about anxiety and learn strategies to help children worry less and child stay positive.

Participants are required to attend the two seminars; the first will be held on Tuesday 14 August and the second on Tuesday 21 August. Both events will run from 6.45-8pm at the Bannockburn Family Services Centre.

The seminar is free, however bookings are essential and can be made by either emailing [email protected] or calling 5220 7230

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