Fire Hazard Inspections 2018


On Monday 5 November, Fire Hazard Inspections will commence in Golden Plains Shire.

Residents are reminded that if they receive a Fire Prevention Notice, they have until the due date to complete the works or inform Council in writing as to why they cannot complete the works. If the works are not completed and no correspondence is received, Council will undertake fire hazard reduction works and invoice the landholder.

Watch the video below and read our responses to frequently asked questions to find out more.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer some of the questions we hear regularly from Golden Plains residents in the lead up to the Fire Danger Period.

What is a Fire Prevention Notice?

Fire Prevention Notices are issued by the Municipal Fire Prevention Officer on properties that are deemed necessary to protect life or property. Works may include mowing grass, cutting a boundary around your property or house and outbuildings.

Council will begin property inspections Monday 5 November.

Why have I received a Fire Prevention Notice?

Council’s Municipal Fire Prevention Officer has recently assessed your property for fire hazards in the lead up to the summer Fire Danger Period and determined that you need to reduce fuel loads on your property to reduce the fire risk.

If you do not complete the works, or contact Council by the due date to arrange an extension or inform Council that you have stock on your property, then a contractor will be arranged. If this happens, the contractor costs are passed on to you and you will also receive a $1,611 infringement.

Why do I need to do works on my house when Council has not mowed their roadsides?

Council will cut all sealed roads and strategic fire breaks. We attempt to cut these as late as possible in the season to prevent extra work and keep the costs down for ratepayers.

Council’s focus is on reducing the fire hazard on private land immediately around residents’ assets (your home and outbuildings). This is the most effective way of reducing the hazard of fire in our community.

Why does Council issue Fire Prevention Notices?

Under State Government legislation, Council must conduct fire hazard inspections on private property. This includes issuing Fire Prevention Notices and arranging contractors to slash non-compliant private property. Council engages contractors to conduct roadside slashing of all of Council’s sealed roads and strategic fire breaks, which have been approved by the CFA. Council also conducts burning of selected reserves to remove the fire hazard and for ecological purposes.

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