A Draft Plan for Growing Places in Golden Plains

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Golden Plains Shire Council has released a draft long-term growth scenario to accommodate future housing and population growth in the Shire and work towards the Community Vision 2040.

Endorsed at its meeting on 23 May, the Informing Document Growing Places 2051 outlines where future growth could be located up to 2050 and responds to the significant levels of growth being experienced across Victoria and in the region.

An Independent Housing Needs Assessment found that Golden Plains Shire has the potential to grow by an extra 15,000 people by 2036 (a growth rate of up to 3.1 per cent per year from now until 2036). 

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham explained that this potential growth was driven by our location between the regional cities of Geelong and Ballarat and being a Peri Urban community of Metropolitan Melbourne.

We’re getting on the front foot to carefully plan for this growth now, to make sure we grow where growth is best suited and will deliver the most benefit for our community. We are also proactively planning to protect the places and lifestyles our residents love.

The draft growth scenario is informed by independent expert research, consultation with key local and regional stakeholders, and the aspirations of Council’s Community Vision 2040. The culmination of this work identified areas that may be suitable for growth and is summarised in the Informing Document Growing Places 2051. 

The draft future growth scenario has two key elements:

  • Extending growth that is already happening along our northern and southern fringes which is supported by existing services and infrastructure (Cambrian Hill and areas around Stonehaven); and
  • Focussing growth in townships within proximity to Geelong to attract investment in services and infrastructure which also benefit surrounding communities (Meredith, Teesdale, Lethbridge)  

Together these two elements seek to leverage growth to attract new services and infrastructure within the Shire, build a stronger local workforce to support our important industries and businesses, encourage expanded shopping and entertainment options, and improve the overall financial sustainability of the Shire.

The planning would also strengthen Council’s position to advocate for further investment in the Shire, such as the re-instatement of the passenger rail from Geelong to Ballarat.

Over the next two months, Council will be consulting with the community on the draft growth scenario.

This draft future growth scenario is evidence based, informed by significant and comprehensive research, and strongly influenced by our Community Vision 2040 but we know the community will have questions.

We want to talk with our community to explain the high-level plan and how it has been developed, and check-in to make sure we haven’t missed any important considerations.

The draft future growth scenario will be used to develop the Growing Places Strategy which will outline the key actions that need to happen to support this growth. 

The Growing Places Strategy will provide clear direction for Council, other levels of government, service providers, developers and the community so that everyone who needs to be involved in delivering the housing, facilities, infrastructure and services to support that growth, can start planning now in a coordinated and sustainable way. 

The Community is invited to learn more, and have their say, by visiting Council’s website: goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations

The community can also provide formal feedback until Friday 28 July 2023, by: emailing [email protected] or writing to Strategic Planning, Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn 3111