Council Adopts Reconciliation Action Plan

Reconciliation Action Plan
Media Release
Strategies & Plans

At it 26 July meeting, Council adopted the Golden Plains Shire Council Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan.

The Reflect RAP is the first Reconciliation Action Plan developed by Golden Plains Shire Council, under the Reconciliation Australia framework, and it outlines actions targeting the four strategic focus areas of Relationships, Respect, Opportunities and Governance. There are four types of RAPs – Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate – that allow organisations to continuously develop their reconciliation commitments. 

Reconciliation Australia provided notice of formal endorsement of the Reflect RAP under their framework in June 2022. The delivery of the Reflect RAP from now to completion in December 2023 will be guided by an internal working group comprising of representatives from across the organisation and supported through monitoring, reporting and ongoing engagement sessions with Traditional Owner groups.

The Draft Reflect RAP was endorsed by Council at the March 2021 Council Meeting for review and progressing under the Reconciliation Australia accreditation process. Amendments were made to the Draft Plan to ensure consultation with staff and Traditional Owners has been culturally respectful and aligned with Reconciliation Australia’s RAP requirements and processes; cultural safety and competency; and adequate time for delivery of meaningful, transparent and achievable objectives and actions of the Reflect RAP. 

During the Draft Reflect RAP revision process, Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group have delivered several actions to progress reconciliation including NAIDOC Week and Reconciliation Week activities, establishing strong relationships with Traditional Owner groups and working on projects in partnership on projects with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contractors and artists.

Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble says Council is pleased to endorse the Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan. 

“With the adoption of Council’s first Reconciliation Action Plan, the organisation has taken an important step forward on its journey of reconciliation. 

“Council is proud of its role as a community leader and the Reflect RAP delivers on a key initiative in the Council Plan 2021-2025 to promote and connect to indigenous heritage and strengthen relationships with the Traditional Custodians of Golden Plains Shire.

“Council staff have led the development of the Reflect RAP, collaborating with local Traditional Owners and Reconciliation Australia, and we thank all involved for creating a culturally respectful plan. 

“Council looks forward to celebrating the successful implementation of the internal actions in this plan, with an eye to future RAPs that will expand Council’s commitment to external actions involving the whole Golden Plains Shire community.”


Read Council's Reconciliation Action Plan