Council Meeting Summary: December 2018


Our December 2018 Council Meeting was held in Linton with six Councillors and several community members in attendance. Cr. Nathan Hansford was an apology.


Council approved the following agenda items:

* Planning Application (P17-255) for the Variation of Restrictive Covenant V278933P to allow no more than two dwellings on the same parcel of land at 59 Yorkshire Close, Batesford.

* Planning Application (P18-187) for the use of the land for a Liquor Licence (General Licence) at Rosemary’s Speakeasy, 80 Sussex St, Linton.

* Planning Application (P17-039) for the development of land for racing dog keeping and training, 2874 Midland Hwy, Lethbridge.


A development plan (DP013) to subdivide a 10.43 hectare area of land into 19 large residential lots on Mercer Street in Shelford was considered by Council. The land currently contains a Presbytarian Manse, guest house, and outbuildings.

The applicant spoke to the proposal and interest in the development that will support the population and community of Shelford. Councillors approved this application with a favourable response.


A plan to develop land for Intensive Animal Husbandry (Free Range Piggery) and a Dwelling at 1779 Hamilton Highway in Murgheboluc was also considered by Council. This application had attracted a number of objections for varied reasons and Council was careful to weigh up these concerns.

Expert advice from the Principal Veterinary Officer – Poultry and Emerging Diseases at the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources stated that the proposed piggery presented a high biosecurity risk due to the planned free range farming system. On this basis, Council officers recommended that the application be refused, and Council agreed and made the decision to refuse the application.


Council awarded three tenders at its December Meeting:

* Purchase of two new John Deere motor graders. This tender is part of Council’s long term plant and equipment replacement program. The existing graders are more than 12 years old and grade more than 700km of road every year.

* Construction of the Victoria Park Netball Courts Upgrade in Bannockburn. Works will include two new netball courts, a multipurpose sports zone, lighting and shelters.

* Construction of the Linton Recreation Reserve Football Lighting. Works will include lighting and a power upgrade.


The Draft Communications and Marketing Strategy 2019-2021 is a detailed plan to connect communications and marketing efforts with the needs of Council and the community. The Strategy also aims to keep local residents, business-owners and other stakeholders better informed of Council activities and operations and more engaged with what is happening in the Shire, by addressing key themes and feedback provided through community consultation. Council endorsed the plan for community feedback and the final strategy will be brought back to them for adoption in 2019.


The Golden Plains Municipal Early Years Plan (MEYP) provides a strategic direction for the development and coordination of early childhood education and care as well as health programs and activities that impact on children from birth to eight years of age in Golden Plains Shire. In development of this one-year MEYP, consultancy firm LG Project reviewed the previous MEYP, Council Plan and relevant strategies/policies; and consulted Golden Plains Shire early years staff. An extensive community consultation process will be undertaken in 2019 to inform preparation of the 2019-2023 MEYP.





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