Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan 2021/22 – 2030/31 was adopted at the 26 October 2021 Council Meeting.
The Local Government Act 2020 requires all councils to adopt a Long-Term Financial Plan by 31 October 2021. Previously, Council had prepared a 10-year financial plan as part of its annual budget process.
The Long-Term Financial Plan 2021/22–2030/31 (the Financial Plan) sets out how the actions of the Golden Plains Shire Council Plan 2021-2025 may be funded to achieve the Golden Plains Community Vision 2040. The document details the financial strategy to achieve this objective while overcoming challenges associated with high population growth and increased demand for services, implementing the Victorian Government’s mandatory four-bin waste policy, completing valuable asset renewal and balancing the interests of rural and urban communities.
You can read the Draft Plan here and will also be available at its Bannockburn and Smythesdale Customer Service Centres following the end of the current lockdown.
Engagement Update
Council endorsed the Draft Long-Term Financial Plan to be made available for public exhibition and submissions at its 24 August 2021 Council meeting. Submissions were invited online, by email or by mail from Wednesday 25 August to Monday 13 September, 2021.
During the public exhibtion period, no submissions were recieved. At its October meeting, Council adopted the Long Term Financial Plan 2021/22 - 2030/31 with the following addition:
Council requested a report to be brought to the February 2022 Council Briefing to strategically consider:
- Options available to reduce Council’s debt levels including what the long-term implications of a debt reductions strategy are; and
- Options available to reduce the forecasted Waste Management Charge
Related documents
Wednesday 25 August, 2021:
Public exhibition begins. Submissions opened
Monday 13 September, 2021:
Public exhibition ends. Submissions closed
September/October 2021:
Council considers submissions
26 October, 2021:
Long-Term Financial Plan 2021/22–2030/31 adopted by Council