The Council Budget 2022/23 Community Survey was open from Tuesday 1 February to 5pm, Wednesday 23 February, 2022. Thank you to all of the community members who had their say during this period.
The Council Budget 2022/23 will deliver on Council’s commitment to services, projects and programs over the next financial year, under the guidance of the Council Plan 2021-2025, Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2021/22-2030/31.
The Council Budget 2022/23 engagement references the Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 and Council Plan 2021-2025 themes of Community, Liveability, Sustainability and Prosperity, with the additional theme of Leadership. Strategic objectives for these themes are outlined in the Council Plan 2021-2025 and are listed below for reference:
Strategic Objective 1: Community
- Safe, resilient and proud communities
- Celebrating and connecting communities
- Community participation, engagement and ownership
- Valuing community diversity and inclusion
Strategic Objective 2: Liveability
- Connected and accessible roads, crossings, paths and transport
- Supporting healthy and active living
- Provide for a diversity lifestyle and housing options
- Attractive and well-maintained infrastructure and public spaces
Strategic Objective 3: Sustainability
- Valuing and protecting nature, cultural heritage and the environment
- Effective and responsive waste services and education
- Responsibly maintaining and managing natural landscapes and resources
- Mitigating climate change and promoting clean/green technology
Strategic Objective 4: Prosperity
- Education, learning and skill development
- Supporting local producers, agriculture and business
- Improved options for shopping, hospitality, tourism and events
- Local employment and training
- Partnerships, advocacy and opportunities for investment
Strategic Objective 5: Leadership
- Information and engagement to involve community in decision making
- Accountable and transparent governance and financial management
- Responsive service delivery supported by systems, resources and an engaged workforce
- Planning, advocating and innovating for the future
Engagement Update
The Council Budget 2022/23 Community Survey was open from Tuesday 1 February to 5pm, Wednesday 23 February, 2022. During this period, Council Officers held online engagement workshops, to gain community input for the Council Budget 2022/23.
Thank you to all of the community members who had their say during this period.
What Happens Next
All survey responses will be considered in the preparation of the Draft Council Budget 2022/23. The Draft Council Budget 2022/23 will be presented to Council at its April 2022 meeting and will then be placed on public exhibition for feedback.
Related documents
Tuesday 1 February, 2022
Council Budget 2022/23 Community Survey opens
7 to 9pm, Tuesday 8 February, 2022
Online Budget Workshop
7 to 9pm, Thursday 10 February, 2022
Online Budget Workshop
5pm, Wednesday 23 February, 2022
Council Budget 2022/23 Community Survey closes
Tuesday 26 April, 2022
Draft Council Budget 2022/23 presented to Council Meeting