Golden Plains Shire Council recently sought expressions of interest from community groups and local organisations who would like to host a Councillor/s at a meeting of their group between July and December 2021.
Golden Plains Shire Council recently sought expressions of interest from community groups and local organisations who would like to host a Councillor/s at a meeting of their group between July and December 2021.
This new initiative is part of the Councillor Engagement commitment for 2021. It is an opportunity for Councillors to listen and learn more about individual groups in Golden Plains Shire, their work in the local community, and current ideas and challenges for the group. The attending Councillor/s will report back to Council on the group and their engagement experience.
The Golden Plains Shire Councillor/s will attend the full meeting and will be available for an additional 30 minutes before or after the meeting to speak directly with group members. Please note: The Councillor/s will not speak or deliver a presentation at the meeting.
Engagement Update
Thank you to all community groups and local organisations that submitted an Expression of Interest. This process was open from Tuesday 20 April to Tuesday 1 June, 2021, with applications able to be completed online, by email, by mail or in person at a Customer Service Centre.
What Happens Next
The Expression of Interest process closed on June 1 and Council is very pleased to see seven local community groups and organisations from across the shire take up this opportunity to share with councillors, their work within the local community, current ideas and any challenges faced by the groups.
Between July and November 2021, Councillors will attend meetings with the following organisations and groups:
- Maude and District Landcare Group
- Bannockburn Cemetery Trust
- Inverleigh Dachshund Derby
- Bannockburn Inclusive Disabled and Seniors Group
- Inverleigh Progress Association
- Smythesdale Progress Association
- Combined Probus Club of Bannockburn Inc
The Councillors are excited about the opportunity to attend these meetings and hear from the community and will provide information and updates to the full Councillor group at various Council Meetings throughout the remainder of the year.
For more information about the Connecting Councillors and Community Groups Program, call the CEO’s Office at 5320 7113.
Tuesday 20 April, 2021
Expressions of Interest open
Tuesday 1 June, 2021
Expressions of Interest close
Friday 25 June, 2021
Confirmation of selected meetings provided