The Moorabool River Reserve Masterplan (the Masterplan) will help guide environmental conservation, rehabilitation and passive recreation at the Reserve for the next 10 years after Council adopted the Masterplan at its meeting on Tuesday 24 October 2023.
The Masterplan was developed following extensive community consultation over the past 12 months. Responses from community members included information on the Reserve’s natural assets, key issues, preferred uses and recreational opportunities. Consultation with Wadawurrung traditional owners was also undertaken to understand traditional custodian interests and opportunities regarding the future care and health of Country.
Council’s Environment and Sustainability Team obtained grant funds through the State Government’s Iconic Urban Waterways Grants Program to develop the Masterplan. Council has also been granted $175,000 to progress the Moorabool River Reserve Masterplan key actions to “shovel ready” through the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority’s Kitjarra dja bul Bullarto langi-ut project.
Council secured funding through the Victorian Government’s Barwon and Waterways of the West Grant Program to develop a Masterplan for the newly acquired Moorabool River Reserve in Batesford.
The Reserve encompasses 17 hectares of public open space along 2.5 kilometres of the Moorabool River at the Riverstone Estate in Batesford.
Rich in biodiversity and cultural significance, the Reserve provides habitat for native wildlife while providing valuable open space for the community and passive recreational opportunities.
Council’s Environment and Sustainability team has worked with stakeholders and the local community to develop the Draft Masterplan which guides the management and use of the Reserve into the future.
Why a Masterplan?
The Masterplan considers the future uses and management of the Reserve to ensure that its natural and cultural values are protected.
It places the Reserve in the context of a rapidly expanding Geelong, the broader Moorabool River corridor and will investigate how the Reserve will link with and be used by the growing Batesford community. Therefore, it is important that the community has input into the Master Plan.
The development of the Moorabool River Reserve Masterplan is part of the larger Kitjarra-dja-bul Bullarto Langi-ut, previously known as the Barwon River Parklands Project.
Engagement Update
The Moorabool River Reserve Masterplan was adopted by Golden Plains Shire Council at its meeting on Tuesday 24 October 2023.
Thank you to everyone who contributed their thoughts and ideas to help shape this important document.