Golden Plains Shire Council’s Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 was adopted at Council’s February Meeting. Thank you to everyone who had their say on the Draft Plan in December and January, as well as during the initial engagement in 2019.
Golden Plains Shire is home to an estimated 3,380 residents who are over the age of 65, and more than 4,000 residents with a disability. Many of these residents face challenges and barriers in their everyday life and interacting with Council.
The Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 seeks to improve the overall quality of life for our residents who face accessibility challenges, by removing barriers and making it easier for them to interact with Council. The document will guide future work to identify the needs of older residents and people with a disability, and assist Council to improve awareness of ageing, disablement and any related issues in Golden Plains Shire.
The Plan provides the framework to address active ageing, disability access and inclusion issues across all areas of Council’s operations. It identifies access barriers or opportunities and outlines 51 actions across four priority areas: Our Social Environment; Our Support Environment; Our Built and Natural Environments; and Our Leadership.
Engagement Update
The Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 was informed by extensive consultation. Building on the work undertaken in Council’s Access and Inclusion Plan 2016-2019 and Ageing Well in Golden Plains Shire Strategy 2012-2016, an initial round of community engagement and consultation with residents, Council staff and stakeholders occurred in August and September 2019. This feedback helped identify access barriers, issues, opportunities and potential priorities, and these were incorporated into a Draft Plan.
The Draft Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 was open for public feedback from 16 December 2020 to 31 January 2021. The Active Ageing & Inclusion team held five in-person consultations across the Shire in January, including two in Bannockburn, and one post each in Meredith, Dereel and Smythesdale. Community members were also able to Zoom into the Smythesdale and first Bannockburn consultations. During this most recent consultation period, Council received 33 submissions on the Draft Plan, and changes were made based on this feedback, including shortening some timeframes for actions, removing reference to the medical model of disability and updating the document’s Shire map to include more communities.
The final Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 was presented to Council at its 23 February Council Meeting, and was formally adopted.
The Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 is now available at the link below or on Council’s Strategies webpage here.
Related documents
August to September 2019
Initial community engagement undertaken
November 2020
Draft Plan prepared
15 December 2020
Council endorses Draft Plan to go out for public exhibition
16 December 2020
Public exhibition began
18 January 2021
Bannockburn & Meredith consultation sessions
20 January 2021
Dereel & Smythesdale consultation sessions
21 January 2021
Additional Bannockburn consultation at Bannockburn Plaza
31 January 2021
Public exhibition ended
23 February 2021
Final Plan adopted by Council