The Confirmed Minutes and Agenda for Council's Ordinary Meeting held at Golden Plains Civic Centre on 26 May 2020.
To allow for greater social distancing, all Ordinary Meetings of Council will be held in the new Council Chamber at the Golden Plains Civic Centre until further notice.
In addition, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in line with new guidelines from the Victorian Government, all Ordinary Meetings of Council will not be open to members of the public, until further notice. The meetings will be attended by Councillors and essential staff members with social distancing and hygiene requirements in place.
The meetings can be viewed online via the livestream on Council’s YouTube page. The new Council Chamber will provide a better quality livestreaming experience for residents tuning in from home and the link to the livestream will be posted on the day of the meeting on Council’s social media and website.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, any questions submitted for Public Question Time will not be read out at the Council Meeting, with all questions to receive a written response. Until further notice, all public presentations and submissions must be in written form and will be read out by the Mayor at the meeting. The maximum time limit of five minutes is still applicable.
26 May Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes
26 May Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda
Att 7.3a- P02-102A - 3140 Midland Highway, Lethbridge (amend permit for expansion of piggery)
Att 7.3a- P02-102A - 3140 Midland Highway, Lethbridge (amend permit for expansion of piggery)
Att 7.4 - Development Contributions