Update Your Contact Details

  • Current Collection Notice
  • Confirm Your Identity
  • Contact Details
  • Complete
This form is to be completed if you wish to change your address or contact details with Golden Plains Shire Council.   
  • Each owner of the property needs to complete this online form to have their details updated in our system. 
  • If your property is owned in a company name, we will require Proof of Directorship before completing a change of details. Please attach a copy when completing this form. 

Collection Notice

Personal information collected on this form will be used by Council’s Customer Experience team to update your contact details in Council’s systems. Council may disclose your information to other internal departments who also use your contact details to provide you with services in order to update your contact details and your information may be disclosed to external parties if required or authorised by law. If you do not provide us with all required information Council may not be able to update your contact details, which may have an impact on the services you receive.
Council will comply with its Privacy Policy, the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001 in relation to the use, storage and disclosure of information.
If you have any queries regarding this collection notice, please contact the Privacy Officer on 03 5220 7111 or via [email protected]

Confirm Your Identity

Address of the property you own within Golden Plains Shire

Contact Details

Is the property in the name of a company?
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
What is your residential address?
Is your postal address the same as above?
If no, what is your postal address?