Maude Family Fun Day

Maude, Steiglitz and She Oaks Community Planning group are pleased to announce the Maude Family Fun Day on Sunday, 28 November from 2pm to 4pm!

The event is part of the current 'Community Plan' and last session of the COVID-19 Quick Response Grant (Family & Community Identification of Flora and Fauna within an Interactive Community). The event will bring residents from Maude, Steiglitz and She Oaks together after arduous periods of COVID-19 restrictions. We will have catering, live music and games for the the younger members of our community and intend it to be a fun family orientated afternoon. One of the tutors from the workshop on identification of flora and fauna will be present to answer any question from those using the environmental apps discussed in the workshop.

The activities of the Community Group will also be displayed and an invitation extended to those members of the community who would like to become 'Community Coordinators'.

To learn more about the event, please visit our Website.

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