Hosier to Holbein

Hosier to Holbein

Intergenerational bus trip to Hosier Lane and NGV International. Brought to you by Golden Plains Youth and Golden Plains Positive Aging.

Join us for an unforgettable art extravaganza at Hosier to Holbein! This in-person event will take place on Wed Sep 20 2023 with transport leaving from Smythesdale at 8:45am and Bannockburn 10am. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of creativity and inspiration.

Snacks will be provided on the bus but bring or buy your own lunch at the variety of cafes surrounding the gallery.

Be captivated by the vibrant atmosphere as you explore various galleries showcasing a wide range of mediums and styles. Whether you're an art connoisseur or simply appreciate beauty, this event promises something for everyone.

Don't miss this opportunity to experience the power of art firsthand. Mark your calendars and be prepared to be amazed at Hosier to Holbein!