Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve Lighting Project

Council sought feedback from community members to share their thoughts on the Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve Lighting project.
Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve Lighting Project Have Your Say


The Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve Lighting Project will deliver the upgrade of lighting on the oval and netball and tennis courts at the reserve to competition standard. This will see the oval lighting upgraded to 150 lux lighting, and the netball and tennis courts to 250 lux lighting, providing increased opportunities to program sporting and community activities, training and matches and events. The project will also include improved security lighting for the Car Park and pavilion surrounds. 

The existing lighting of the sports oval and netball and tennis courts at the Reserve does not meet the minimum standards for participation, making the facility unsafe and negatively impacting the experience of current users. Opportunities for teams to use the oval and netball and tennis courts in the evening are limited due to poor lighting, making it difficult for teams to train at the Reserve. 

The upgrade aligns to the Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve Master Plan and will support the growth of the Woady Yaloak Junior Football Netball Club, which was established in 2019, with the opportunity for increased programming, including training, matches and events at the reserve. 

Following a $500,000 election commitment from the Federal Government for the Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve Lighting project, Council is now seeking an additional $250,000 from the State Government to fully fund the project. 

Engagement Update

Council sought feedback from community members to share their thoughts on the project and the possible impact on usage of the community facility.  

Community members were invited to have their say by completing the Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve Lighting Project survey from Wednesday 29 June to Friday 8 July, 2022. Thank you to all of the community members who had their say during this period. 

What Happens Next

All feedback provided during the consultation period will be considered in the development of the Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve Lighting Project.