As we plan for the next four years, community members are invited to help shape our future together and provide input into the development of the Council Plan 2025-2029, Financial Plan and Asset Plan which will be vital in guiding Council decisions and setting priorities that reflect the needs and aspirations of our residents.
The Council Plan 2025-2029 is aligned with the Community Vision 2040, Asset Plan and Financial Plan. The Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan will be embedded in this new Council Plan, ensuring the health and wellbeing of our community remains at the forefront of our priorities.
Together, these documents will shape how the organisation meets community needs and aspirations, and will guide the sustainable growth across the Shire, while continuing to provide critical services.
Community engagement is at the heart of shaping these important documents. Through an extensive deliberative engagement process, across a broad cross-section of the community all ratepayers, business owners and stakeholders are invited to provide their input. This will ensure that the voices of our community are brought to Council and will help shape the direction of the Council Plan 2025-2029.
Engagement Update - Feb 2025
During 2024 (January to December), community members and stakeholders were invited to contribute to the development of the 2025-2029 Golden Plains Shire Council Plan through a range of engagement activities. Data and feedback captured through these engagements, will now be considered in drafting the Council Plan.
Concurrent to the Council Plan engagement activities, Council sought feedback on Golden Plains Shire Asset Plan and Financial Plan. The results of these engagements will be provided separately as the relevant plans are developed.
To ensure broad input, several engagement techniques were implemented across engagement activities to inform the Council Plan’s development including surveys (the Shaping Our Future Together survey and Youth Engagement surveys) and in-person and online Community ThinkTank sessions.
Additionally, feedback was gathered from Municipal Health and Wellbeing partners and youth stakeholders. These engagements have communicated community priorities which will underpin the future Council Plan and contribute to shaping our future. A range of engagement tools were used to provide opportunities for stakeholders and community to have their say.
Details outlining our engagement methods and what we heard from our community can be found in the Community Engagement Summary Report: Shaping Our Future: Development of Council Plan 2025-2029 link below.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in these engagements over the past 12 months and for your time and feedback to assist Council in the development of our next four-year Plan.
What Happens Next?
Councillors and staff are currently considering the feedback and input from community engagement processes to develop the draft 2025-2029 Council Plan. There will be further opportunities for the community to provide feedback when the draft plan is open for public consultation in April/May 2025.