Lethbridge Toilet Block Relocation

Thank you to residents in Lethbridge for having your say on the proposed relocation of the public toilet block at Lethbridge Lake. 
Lethbridge Lake Toilet Block Relocation


Golden Plains Shire Council invited residents in Lethbridge to have their say on the proposed relocation of the public toilet block at Lethbridge Lake. 

The relocation project will see the removal of the current toilet block, and installation of a new toilet block and septic system at a new location, which will be confirmed following the consultation period. 

Following consultation with the Lethbridge Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, the proposed location of the new toilet block is in the vicinity of the current location, at the entrance to the Lethbridge Lake carpark.

The proposed location will allow for increased parking and visibility to ensure pedestrian safety. Once the location has been confirmed, Council will prepare a plan for the works to be delivered with works anticipated to begin later in the year. 

Engagement Update

Residents were invited to have their say from Monday 22 May until 9am, Monday 12 June.