In its Interim Report, the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission recommended that Neighbourhood Safer Places – Places of Last Resort (NSP-PLR) be identified and established to provide people in bushfire affected areas with a place of last resort during a bushfire.
The parcel of land located on the corner of Dereel-Rokewood Junction Road and Judge Road, Dereel (Lot RES1 PS729828) was identified as a NSP-PLR and earmarked for establishment of a new CFA station for the Dereel brigade. A 40 metre by 40 metre gravel parking area suitable for 30 vehicles within a 52-metre buffer zone is located on the site.
The proposed lease is for a 30-year term with 2 further terms of 5 years, with the permitted use being a fire station, local firefighting operations command centre and firefighter training. Nominal rent of $100.00 per annum plus GST would be charged.
As per s115 of the Local Government Act 2020, where Council proposes to lease land and the rent for any period of the lease is $100,000 or more, the current market value of the land is $100,000 or more a year, or the proposed lease is for 10 years or more, Council must undertake a community engagement process in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy.
Community consultation on the proposed lease through an online survey was open from Wednesday 9 August until Wednesday 6 September 2023.
What happens next?
Council is considering any objections before making a decision on whether to award the lease.
Enquiries can be directed to Rosie Wright or Sophie Brown on 5220 7111 or via [email protected].