Golden Plains Shire Council invited residents to provide feedback on the Northern Streetscapes Framework design development plans.
The Northern Streetscapes Framework Plan (Framework Plan) envisions beautification works to enhance the character of Smythesdale, Scarsdale and Linton – the three key town centres along the Glenelg Highway.
In August 2024, community input shaped the initial design concepts by identifying whether the Framework Plan aligned with local needs and aspirations.
The Northern Streetscapes Project is funded by $650,000 from Council and $650,000 from Berrybank Wind Farm.
Engagement Update
An in-person session was held on Monday 9 December from 10am to 12pm at The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale. An online survey was also open from Monday 25 November to 5pm, Friday 13 December 2024 for residents to provide feedback on the design plans.
For further information, contact Council’s Open Spaces Maintenance team at [email protected] or call 5220 7111.
Changes from Framework concept to Design Development Plans for Smythesdale include:
- Reduction in car parking to allow for large canopy tree bays / pits.
- Pedestrian crossing at future supermarket deleted. We assume people will use the off-street parking if they are going to the supermarket. The existing pedestrian crossing is located only 20m to the north of the proposed Supermarket car park entrance. This crossing is proposed to be upgraded to a Wombat crossing.
- Additional pedestrian pram crossing near Verdon Street intersection.
- Grass naturestrip proposed to increase soil volume for trees.
- Planting palette reviewed.
Changes from Framework concept to Design Development Plans for Scarsdale include:
- Proposed gravel path from bus stop to northern extent of works (possibly up to the cemetery).
- Option to formalise long vehicle parking on north bound lane of the Glenelg Highway and pedestrian crossing.
- Limited trees proposed within southern traffic island.
- Planting palette reviewed.
Changes from Framework concept to Design Development Plans for Linton include:
- Reduction in car parking to allow for large canopy tree bays / pits.
- Grass naturestrip and / or larger tree cut outs proposed to increase soil volume for trees.
- Pedestrian crossing relocated to avoid using the emergency vehicle break in the median.
- Consider relocating bus stops to Fraser Street intersection (Linton Takeaway Shop).
- Consider pedestrian crossing at Fraser Street intersection (Linton Takeaway Shop).
- Planting palette reviewed.
What Happens Next
Following the consultation period, Council will refine the designs and develop detailed concept plans, with additional community engagement planned for early 2025.