The Tracks and Trails Strategy was adopted at the February 2024 Council meeting.
Following extensive community engagement in January and February 2023 through a series of workshops, surveys, and consultations, approximately 200 responses from the community helped to shape a draft version of the Tracks and Trails Strategy.
The Tracks and Trails Strategy aims to embrace the region’s recreational tracks and trails network; identify recommendations for addressing new trails, missing links and realignments; improve liveability and health and wellbeing outcomes for all residents; promote safe, active transport and commuting options to reducing reliance on motor vehicles; improve environmental outcomes and reflect the needs of the community.
The $60,000 Golden Plains Shire Tracks and Trails Strategy Project was funded by $30,000 from the Victorian Government’s Local Sports Infrastructure Fund’s Planning Category and $30,000 from Council.
Engagement Update
Residents were invited to have their say on the Draft Strategy from Thursday 30 November 2023 to Thursday 11 January 2024, contributing to the finalisation and adoption of the Draft Strategy at the February 2024 Council meeting.
Tracks and Trails Strategy
The Tracks and Trails Strategy is a strategic document that provides the Vision, Planning Principles, Goals and Actions to guide the planning, delivery, activation and management of trails throughout Golden Plains Shire.
View the Tracks and Trails Strategy
Tracks and Trails Strategy Detailed Action Plan
The Tracks and Trails Strategy Detailed Action Plan supports the Strategy by providing in-depth information on individual actions. It includes detail on stages for delivery, key partners, maps, priorities and costings to implement deliverables both across the network and at specific locations.
View the Draft Detailed Action Plan
There is also an Issues and Opportunities Paper which showcases background and context work completed for informing the Tracks and Trails Strategy. This paper includes a literature review, trends analysis, trails standards, community consultation data and an audit of the existing Golden Plains Shire Council network. This paper can be viewed here.
For further information on the Draft Strategy, contact Council’s Manager Recreation and Community Infrastructure on 5220 7111 or email [email protected]
What Happens Next
The Tracks and Trails Strategy was adopted at the February 2024 Council meeting.