Golden Plains Shire Council’s Draft Special Rates and Charges Policy (the Draft Policy) was endorsed for a period of public exhibition at the 28 May Council Meeting.
The Draft Policy outlines the use of a Special Rates and Charges Scheme for infrastructure improvement works across Golden Plains Shire. Special Rates and Charges is a funding model available to Councils for the recovery of costs, or part costs, from property owners who derive a direct benefit from Council works or services.
Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989 provides the legislative framework required to be undertaken for implementation of any Special Rates and Charges projects.
Golden Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said community consultation of the Draft Policy was a key consideration on whether Council decides to implement a Special Rates and Charges Policy.
“Having a Special Rates and Charges Policy in place provides an option for funding of projects or programs where it can be demonstrated that there is a clear and direct benefit to a group of property owners. This Policy will provide Council with an additional funding option for projects that otherwise might not proceed in a timely manner, and which will directly benefit property owners who contribute to the project,” Cr Cunningham said.
“The use of Special Rates and Charges is a common practice in the Local Government sector where a project’s benefits can be clearly linked to property owners.
“Council encourages residents to read the Draft Policy and complete the survey to have your say on the Draft Special Rates and Charges Policy.”
Read the Special Rates and Charges Policy
Have Your Say
An online and hard copy Have Your Say survey was open from Wednesday 29 May until Wednesday 26 June.
What happens next?
Council will consider all community submissions on the Draft Special Rates and Charges Policy and provide a further report to Council in July for a final decision.