The new Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) was passed by the Victorian Parliament in March 2020.
In order to achieve compliance with Stage 2 of the phased introduction of the Act, the following documents are now on public exhibition:
- Governance Rules (including Public Participation in Council Meetings Policy and Election Period Policy); and
- Public Transparency Policy
The establishment of the Governance Rules will see a repeal of the following document:
- Local Law No.1 of 2019 – Council Meeting Procedures & Common Seal
The Governance Rules aim to, among other things:
- ensure compliance with the Overarching Governance Principles and Supporting Principles as provided in the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act);
- provide a process for good decision making;
- set procedures for the conduct of Council meetings;
- set the rules of behaviour for those participating in or present at Council meetings,
- promote and encourage community engagement in local government;
- regulate proceedings for the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor;
- regulate the use and control of Council’s Common Seal;
- provide a Public Participation in Council Meetings Policy;
- provide an Election Period Policy (as required by the Act); and
- revoke Local Law No. 1 of 2019 – Council Meeting Procedures and Common Seal
The Public Transparency Policy aims to, among other things:
comply with the requirements of the Act, giving effect to the Public Transparency Principles at section 58.
ensure Council decision making processes are transparent, except when Council is dealing with information that is confidential by virtue of the Act or any other Act;
ensure Council information is publicly available unless:
the information is confidential by virtue of the Act or any other Act; or
public availability of the information would be contrary to the public interest;
ensure Council information is understandable and accessible to members of the Golden Plains Shire community; and
ensure public awareness of the availability of Council information must be facilitated.
To ensure compliance with the implementation requirements of the Act, these documents must be adopted by 1 September 2020.
Public Participation in Council Meetings Policy
If you would like to view a hard copy, these documents can be viewed at Council's Customer Service Centres at 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn or 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.
How You Can Be Involved
Written submissions are invited from any person, who may also request in their submission to be heard in support of their submission and/or to nominate a representative to present their submission, if they wish to do so.
Submissions must be received in writing no later than 5pm on Wednesday, 12 August 2020 and can be provided in the following ways:
- Complete the online form
- Email to [email protected]
- Mail addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC 3331 - marked 'Urgent - submission'
What Happens Next
Any submissions received no later than 5pm on Wednesday, 12 August 2020, will be considered by Council.
If required, a virtual Council Meeting to hear submitters will be held at 6pm on Tuesday, 18 August 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in line with new guidelines from the Victorian Government, the meeting will not be open to members of the public to attend in person. Those wishing to present their submissions will do so virtually. The meeting will be livestreamed online via Council’s YouTube page.
Council will consider the final documents for adoption at its 25 August 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
28 July 2020: Council Meeting to adopt draft documents
29 July 2020: Public Exhibition and submission period commences
12 August 2020: Public Exhibition and submission period concludes
August 2020: Council to consider any submissions received
18 August 2020: Council Meeting for hearing of submissions (if required)
25 August 2020: Council Meeting to consider adoption of final documents
1 September 2020: Compliance requirement under the Local Government Act 2020