Golden Plains Youth Hub - Community Reference Group

Golden Plains Shire Council is encouraging local young people to participate in the Golden Plains Youth Hub Community Reference Group, ensuring the voice of young people is considered in all decision-making and planning related to the Shire’s new Youth Space.
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The Golden Plains Youth Hub Community Reference Group is made up of community stakeholders from Council, Victoria Police, YMCA Bannockburn, Bannockburn District Grants Inc and Bannockburn P – 12 College who are responsible for activating an inclusive and accessible space where a diverse range of young people aged 12 to 25 years can access the services, programs and activities they need to be healthier, happier and better connected.

The Community Reference Group is seeking members who are passionate about creating opportunities for young people and want to represent the voice and interests of local young people. Meetings will be held every three months on a Wednesday. If attendance at the in-person meeting is difficult, online participation can be arranged.

Engagement Update

Expressions of Interest were open from 28 June to 12 July, with application forms available to be completed online or downloaded and emailed to Council's Youth Services team.

What Happens Next

The first meeting of the Youth Hub Community Reference Group will be held on Wednesday 21 July. For more information, please call Council’s Youth Team on 0422 101 109 or email [email protected]