Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 Refresh

Share Your Thoughts and Make a Difference
Community Vision 2040 Banner


Between 2019 and 2020, community members shared their thoughts and aspirations to create the Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040.

Four years later, we are asking the community if the Vision still reflects their aspirations to ensure we are still working towards the right goals. Community members were invited to ‘Share Your Thoughts and Make a Difference’ from Monday 15 January 2024 to Friday 29 March 2024.



The Community Vision 2040 identifies the following four priority areas; Community, Liveability, Prosperity, and Sustainability to be focused upon for the next 20 years.

Community Vision themes

Council has been progressing these priority areas and ideas, and you can read more about this work in our Annual Report 2022-23.

The list below gives you a snapshot of where the Community Vision 2040 has come to life in Golden Plains Shire since 2020:


  • Seniors Festival in Golden Plains Shire
  • Golden Plains Youth Hub opened in April 2022


  • Development of the Tracks and Trails Strategy
  • New recreation and play space in Linton and upgrades to existing facilities in Meredith, Lethbridge, Rokewood and Smythesdale


  • Adoption of the Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032
  • Inverleigh Tree Succession Plan


  • Golden Plains Careers Expo established in 2023
  • Business concierge service through Victorian Government's Better Approvals Program

Next steps

We are revisiting the Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 to ensure it still reflects the aspirations of our community. Find out more about how you can be involved by reviewing the Community Vision 2040 Refresh Timeline on this page.

Community Engagement Workshops

Council hosted Community Engagement Workshops in Dereel, Smythesdale and Bannockburn which featured a suite of presentations and facilitated discussions about community-focused strategic plans and updates.

Engagement Update

The community was invited to complete a Have Your Say survey on the Golden Plains Community Vision Refresh 2040 from Monday 15 January until Friday 29 March 2024.

Council has prepared a What We Heard report and Community Engagement Summary report summarising the feedback provided by the community. These documents can be viewed below:

What We Heard Report

Community Engagement Survey Report

What Happens Next?

Council will prepare a draft updated Community Vision 2040 document which will be considered for endorsement by Council in August 2024. Following the Council election in October, the document will then assist the newly elected Council in preparing the next Council Plan.