Golden Plain Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032 Adopted

Council adopted its Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032 at its meeting on Tuesday 25 October.
Draft Climate Emergency Plan Have Your Say

At its meeting on 25 October, Council adopted the Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032.

The Climate Emergency Plan provides context to the current and future impacts of climate change on Golden Plains Shire and will guide the work of Council to mitigate, adapt and respond to climate change in the Shire over the next 10 years.

Aligning to the relevant strategic objectives of the Council Plan 2021-2025, Golden Plains Community Vision 2040, and Council’s Environment Strategy 2019-2027, the Plan highlights the strong imperative for Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change.

The Climate Emergency Plan sets out 48 key actions for Council to progress over the next 10 years across five themes: embedding climate action in Council; resilient and adaptive communities; caring for the land; climate adaptive development; and sustainable transport and travel.


In July 2021, Golden Plains Shire Council declared a Climate Emergency, a resolution for immediate and urgent action to reverse global warming and adapt to changes that society cannot avoid. As part of this resolution, Council committed to preparing a Climate Emergency Plan to put the declaration’s words into actions. 

Following community consultation undertaken earlier this year, Council has developed the Draft Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032 (Draft Plan), and at the 23 August Council Meeting, Council endorsed the Draft Plan to be placed on public exhibition. 

The development of the Draft Plan was informed by engagement with the Golden Plains Shire community, the Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Aboriginal Corporation, neighbouring Councils, relevant stakeholders, Council staff and Councillors. Aligning with objectives outlined under the theme of Sustainability in the Council Plan 2021-2025 and in Council’s Environment Strategy 2019-2027, the Draft plan highlights the strong imperative for Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change.

Providing context to the current and future impacts of climate change on Golden Plains Shire, the document will guide the work of Council to mitigate, adapt and respond to climate change in Shire over the next ten years.

The Draft Plan outlines 48 actions for Council to undertake across five themes: embedding climate action in Council; resilient and adaptive communities; caring for the land; climate adaptive development; and sustainable transport and travel. The Draft Plan sets timeframes for Council implementation and outlines the communication, monitoring, review and evaluation of the proposed plan.

Read the Plan

Engagement Update

Following endorsement by Council at its August meeting, the Draft Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032 was on public exhibition from Thursday 25 August to Thursday 22 September. 

At its meeting on 25 October, Council adopted the Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032.