Council is developing its four-year strategic plan, detailing its priorities and investment in Golden Plains Shire over the next four years. The Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 was endorsed by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 27 April and was on public exhibition from 28 April to 26 May 2021.
The Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 (Draft Plan) features the priority initiatives and actions for Council services, infrastructure and advocacy to be provided to the Golden Plains Shire community over the next four years.
The Draft Plan directly addresses and aligns with the Themes of the Golden Plains Community Vision 2040: Community, Liveability, Sustainability and Prosperity; with the additional theme of Leadership added to represent the Council-specific regulatory, governance, leadership and advocacy activities required to achieve outcomes for the community. With the overarching direction of the Vision, the Draft Plan details Council’s commitment over the next four years to support the achievement of the community’s 20-year strategic plan for Golden Plains.
The Draft Council Plan has been developed in accordance with the Strategic Planning Principles of the Local Government Act 2020, and details 21 Strategic Objectives, with 83 key actions for delivery during the Council term.
Council’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, required under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, has been incorporated into the Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 and reflects the important role Council has in supporting the health and wellbeing of all people living in the Golden Plains.
You can download and read the Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 here or at the link below. Paper copies are available at Council’s Customer Service Centres: 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn and The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.
Engagement Update
The Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 has been developed following extensive deliberative community engagement.
In January, Council opened a community survey and held conversation posts online and in 12 townships across the Shire: Rokewood, Bannockburn, Smythesdale, Haddon, Linton, Ross Creek, Meredith, Cape Clear, Napoleons, Inverleigh, Teesdale and Lethbridge. A total of 219 written responses were received from residents, building upon the contributions of 534 community members on the Golden Plains Community Vision 2040, adopted by Council in December 2020.
The Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 was endorsed by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 27 April and was on public exhibition from 28 April to 26 May 2021. Community members were able to submit written submissions on the Draft Council Plan online, by email or by mail, as well as in-person at a Councillor Conversation Post at the Golden Plains Farmers' Market on 1 May, and at Coffee with your Councillor sessions on 8 May in nine townships:
- Scarsdale
- Smythesdale
- Garibaldi
- Dereel
- Enfield
- Rokewood
- Shelford
- Murgheboluc
- Batesford
Thank you to all community members who provided feedback through the community survey, at conversation and in-person engagement posts and in written submissions on the Draft Council Plan.
What Happens Next
Submitters were able to request to speak to their submission on the Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 or the Draft Budget 2021-2022 at a Special Meeting of Council to be held at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn on Tuesday 8 June.
All submissions on the Draft Plan will be considered by Council, with the final Council Plan 2021-2025 to be presented to Council for adoption at its meeting on 29 June 2021. Following adoption, the Council Plan is provided to the Minister for Local Government, as required by the Local Government Act 2020.
In the interests of transparency and accountability, Council is committed to regularly monitoring and reporting progress on the Council Plan 2021-2025 through measurement of the Strategic Indicators contained in the Council Plan, via Council’s Annual Report and through quarterly progress reports to an open Council Meeting.
Monday 18 January, 2021
Engagement commences and online survey opens.
Saturday 30 January, 2021
Rokewood centre engagement post, 10am to 12pm
Saturday 6 February, 2021
Golden Plains Farmer's Market engagement post, 8.30am to 12.30pm
Sunday 7 February, 2021
Smythesdale Arts and Music Fiesta engagement post, 10am to 3pm
Wednesday 10 February, 2021
Online Zoom engagement, 5.30pm to 7pm
Sunday 21 February, 2021
Council Plan engagement concludes and online survey closes.
Tuesday 27 April, 2021
Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 endorsed by Council.
Wednesday 28 April, 2021
Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 available for public viewing and submissions.
Saturday 1 May, 2021
Councillor Conversation Post, Golden Plains Farmers' Market
Saturday 8 May, 2021
Coffee with your Councillors Day
Wednesday 26 May, 2021
Public submissions on Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 close
Tuesday 8 June, 2021
Public submissions on the Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 presented to Council.
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Final Council Plan 2021-2025 presented to Council for adoption.