Expressions of Interest (EOI) have closed for members of the community and local business representatives to serve in volunteer positions on the CCTV Steering Committee.
On 27 July 2021, Council resolved to establish a CCTV Steering Committee to guide the development of a policy on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in public places in Golden Plains Shire.
The CCTV Steering Committee will include members of the community (2), local business representatives (2), Victoria Police, Golden Plains Shire Councillor/s and Council’s Coordinator Community Safety. This steering group would initially assess whether CCTV could effectively increase safety and confidence in public places in Bannockburn and/or increase the success rate of prosecution of criminal behaviour.
Expressions of Interest (EOI) are open for members of the community and local business representatives to serve in volunteer positions on the Steering Committee. Two representatives will be selected from each group.
Engagement Update
Expressions of Interest were open from 28 July to 26 August, and were able to be completed online or downloaded and returned by email or post.
Wednesday 28 July
Expressions of Interest open
Thursday 26 August
Expressions of Interest close