About the Engagement
Golden Plains Shire Council invited businesses across the Shire to complete the Business Sustainability Survey (the Survey) to gain an understanding of their current sustainability practices.
The Survey aligned with the focus area outlined in the Climate Emergency Plan to increase business understanding of climate change and increase their capacity to reduce their emissions. Results from the Survey will provide an indication of what businesses are currently doing to reduce their emissions and adapt to climate change and where support is needed.
Additionally, the Survey aligned with three deliverables outlined in the Economic Development, Tourism and Investment Strategy, defined as follows:
- To support businesses to be more energy efficient and create local employment opportunities;
- To implement circular economy, carbon reduction and regenerative methods in production, and
- To establish an environmental scorecard for businesses to assess their performance and incentivise those that adopt sustainable practices and technologies.
Engagement Update
The Business Sustainability Survey was open from Monday 6 March until 5pm, Monday 3 April.
What Happens Next
Feedback from the Survey will help Council shape a trial program focussed on supporting local businesses to reduce energy, water and waste.