Council adopted the Golden Plains Shire Council Budget 2024/25 (the Budget) at its meeting on Tuesday 25 June. The $50 million Budget focuses on delivering services and enhancing infrastructure maintenance for the Golden Plains Shire community.
The Budget was developed in alignment with principles outlined in the Council Plan 2021-2025 and Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan 2021/22–2030/31. The Budget incorporates a 2.75% average rate cap increase, following the announcement by the Minister for Local Government in December 2023.
The draft Budget was available for public exhibition from 24 April until 20 May 2024, during which Council received and reviewed 30 submissions. A Special Meeting of Council was held on Tuesday 4 June 2024 to consider the submissions, resulting in one adjustment:
- $20k increase in funding to the Geelong Regional Library Corporation.
Following a final review, further amendments were made after the announcement of additional grant funds, other government notifications and Council decisions. These included:
- Additional $192k from the Financial Assistance Grants
- A $50k increase in Corporate Memberships, and
- An allocation of $75k for Council’s Community Strengthening Grants.
Golden Plains Shire Council Budget 2024/25
Key Features of Budget 2024/25
This budget seeks to continue to provide services and improve and maintain infrastructure as well as deliver projects and services that are valued by our community. However, following another year with the rate cap sitting below inflation (2024/25 maximum 2.75% rate cap) Councils across the State have had to review the services provided to their community or continue to operate at a loss, which is not a long-term sustainable business model. Key features include:
- $50m to continue to deliver more than 70 services to the Golden Plains community.
- $13.4m investment in capital assets, including infrastructure, buildings, recreation, leisure and community facilities, plant machinery and equipment.
- Funding for six more communities to progress through the Community Planning Program.
- Continued implementation of Climate Emergency Plan actions.
- Continued transition of Waste Services to reflect State mandated 4 bin service.
- Continued development and implementation of the Core Systems Transformation Project.
- Delivery of the Rokewood Community Hub.
- Funding for various programs to support active ageing, youth development, and the general health, wellbeing and inclusion of all cohorts across the community.