Recognising Local Citizens

Golden Plains Shire Council invites residents to nominate themselves, or other residents who take part in State, National or International level competition for a Citizen Recognition Award. 

Citizen Recognition Awards

Council’s Citizen Recognition Award program recognises Golden Plains Shire residents who take part in State Level or Above competition. 

Golden Plains Shire Council is pleased to recognise citizens who take part in State, National or International level sporting competitions through the Citizen Recognition Award program. 

Council values the role active living and healthy eating play in a strong and connected community. To encourage and support health and wellbeing, Council is pleased to recognise any citizens who achieve team selection at a State or National level, and/ or any citizen who wins at State level or above via a presentation at the monthly Council meetings.

Citizens recognised receive a framed letter of congratulations under seal and a grant to the value of $250 for an individual or $500 for a team of two or more. 

Certificates and gifts are presented at an award ceremony which is held before a monthly Council meeting. 

To be eligible for a Citizen Recognition Award, the following criteria apply:

  • Recipients must be involved in amateur competition;
  • Recipients are eligible to receive assistance under this policy only once; and
  • Recipients must be a resident or representing the Golden Plains Shire. 

If you or someone you know may be eligible for recognition, please complete the nomination form below.

For further information, email: [email protected].

E.g Name of sport or skill