The confirmed Minutes, Agenda and Attachments for Council's Ordinary Meeting held at Bannockburn Shire Hall on 28 March 2017.
28 March Ordinary Council Meeting
28 March Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda
Attachment 9 P16 224 OBJECTION
Attachment 1 - Instrument of Delegation
Attachment 2 - Instrument of Delegation
Attachment 3 - GPS Protected Disclosure Procedures
Attachment 4a - P16-197 Planning Application
Attachment 4b - P16-197 Planning Application
Attachment 5 - P16-197 locality plan
Attachment 6 - P16-197 objection
Attachment 7a - P16-224 Planning Application
Attachment 7b - P16-224 Planning Application
Attachment 8 - P16-224 locality map
Attachment 10 - Environment Strategy Activity Summary
Attachment 11 - Road Map - Thorne Road