The Confirmed Minutes and Agenda for Council's Meeting held on 25 May 2021 at the former Linton Shire Hall.
With COVID-19 restrictions eased, members of the public are once again able to attend Council Meetings in-person. In line with remaining density limits and Council’s COVID-Safe Plan, the public gallery at the Golden Plains Civic Centre will be limited to 25 visitors and the public gallery at the smaller Linton Shire Hall will be limited to 4 visitors, who will be required to sign-in with a QR-code on arrival. Members of the public are able to register from the Friday prior to the meeting to request a seat, with any remaining seats available to those who turn up on the day without registering.
To register for the 25 May 2021 Council Meeting, please complete the online form which will be available at a link below. Requests should be lodged no later than 10am on the day of the meeting. Alternatively, contact Council on 5220 7111 to register your interest.
Please note that registrations to request a seat at the 25 May Council Meeting have now closed. Residents may still attend the meeting in the public gallery, however, this will be subject to the limited number of remaining seats based on the room capacity.
25 May Council Meeting Minutes
Att 7.4 - Road Management Plan Review
Att 7.5 - Draft G21 & AFL Barwon Towards 2030 - Strategy for Public Exhibition
Att 7.7 - Nomination of State Significant places for inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register
Att 7.8 - Mobile Traders Policy
Att 7.9a - Bannockburn Growth Plan - Update
Att 7.9b - Bannockburn Growth Plan - Update
Att 7.11 - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday Consultation Results