The Confirmed Minutes, Agenda and Attachments for Council's Ordinary Meeting held at Linton Customer Service Centre on 22 October 2019.
22 October Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes
22 October Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda
Att 7.6 - Permits to Burn by private persons (Schedule 13)
Att 7.7 - Council Plan Implementation Quarter One 2019-20
Att 7.8 - Adoption of Amendment C85GPLA
Att 7.9 - State Government Rating Review GPS Council Submission
Att 7.10 - Authorisation of Chief Executive Officer to Enter Limited Term Recycle Contract
Att 7.12 - Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation - Planning and Environment Act 1987
Att 7.13a - Golden Plains Shire Council Annual Report 2018-19
Att 7.13b - Golden Plains Shire Council Annual Report 2018-19
Att 7.13c - Golden Plains Shire Council Annual Report 2018-19