Roadside weed control program underway


Our Environment Services team has commenced its roadside weed control program for 2018-19.

Over 765 kilometres of serrated tussock will be controlled on roadsides in the south of the Shire and 730 kilometres of woody weeds gorse, blackberry, broom, sweet briar and hawthorn will be controlled in the north of the Shire. This forms part of Council’s ongoing commitment to control roadside weeds to protect our environmental and agricultural values.

The program has been running now for over 10 years and has seen a significant reduction roadside weeds.

Weed invasions change the natural diversity and balance of ecological communities. These changes threaten the survival of many plants and animals as the weeds compete with native plants for space, nutrients and sunlight. Throughout parts of Australia, weeds are spreading faster than they can be controlled and this is why Council is invested in tackling its roadside weeds.

For further information about this program, please contact us on 5220 7111 and ask for an officer in Natural Resources. Alternatively, click the link below to contact us online.


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