Local Law Changes


After a substantial review of the Council's previous Local Law, Council adopted the new Local Law No.2 – General Public Amenity in January 2017.

Council’s Local Laws have a significant effect on the communities in which we live. 

Key to the objectives of Council's Local Laws is to provide a safe and healthy environment for residents of the Shire. Local Laws help provide residents with an opportunity to enjoy a quality of life that enhances their wellbeing.

This is achieved by both facilitating public services and regulating various activities. Over the coming year residents may be contacted while the community transitions into complying with the new local law.

It is important to note that Council officers will continue to work closely with the community to ensure that new Local Law requirements are clearly understood.

A particular emphasis will be placed on education and awareness activities regarding the new Local Law helping to ensure a smooth transition during this time.

Some specific local laws that will have a direct effect on the community include:

Dogs on leads

Prescribed dog on lead areas have been defined in the townships of Bannockburn, Inverleigh, Lethbridge, Linton, Meredith, Napoleons, Rokewood, Smythesdale and Teesdale. Signage will be placed in relevant areas where dogs are to remain on leads with further information available on Council website.

Shipping containers

Council will be conducting a review of the locations and numbers of shipping containers across the Shire. Individual residents will be contacted regarding arrangements to ensure compliance with the local law.

Motorised recreational vehicles

Various restrictions have been put in place around the allowed use of motorised recreational vehicles in residential and rural areas. Council officers will be working directly with residents to resolve any potential ongoing issues.

Read Local Law No.2 

To find out more about the Local Laws and how they may affect you, download a copy of Local Laws No.2 (linked above). Alternatively, you can view a copy at Council's Customer Service Centres in Bannockburn or Linton. If you wish to discuss a particular aspect of the Local Law, please contact Council’s Environment Services Team on 5220 7111.

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