Council Adopts Community's 2040 Vision

Media Release

Council formally adopted the Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 (Community Vision) at its most recent Council Meeting on Tuesday 15 December 2020.

The Community Vision reflects the community's hopes, aspirations and priorities for the next 20 years. The long-term visionary document was developed in partnership with a dedicated Community Vision 2040 Reference Group and was informed by extensive engagement with communities across Golden Plains Shire during 2020.

In February and March, 534 people took part in the Community Vision 2040 survey. From the survey responses, the Reference Group created a framework for the Draft Community Vision, centred on four key themes: community; liveability; sustainability; and prosperity. These themes were then supported and expanded on with the creation of a number of Community Priorities and Vision Statements.

In July and August, the Reference Group conducted further engagement on the Themes, Community Priorities and Vision Statements with Council and community stakeholders, resulting in a further 33 written responses. The refined draft Community Vision was formally received by Council at its 25 August 2020 Meeting, where it recommended it be presented to the new Council for adoption following the October 2020 council election.

The draft Community Vision was made available for a final round of community feedback in late October and November, where three further written submissions were received. These were considered and resulted in some minor changes to the document, emphasising the importance of agriculture in Golden Plains, before it was presented to Council for adoption. Council will now use the final Community Vision to provide the strategic direction and framework for the development of its Council Plan 2021-2025.

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Helena Kirby thanked all members of the community and the Reference Group who contributed to the development of the Shire’s vision for the future.

“The Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 is a fantastic document that outlines our community’s hopes, aspirations and priorities for what Golden Plains will be like in twenty years.

“Thank you to each and every member of the Reference Group for your outstanding contribution, and to all our residents who shared their thoughts and feedback during the consultation opportunities throughout the year. Through these conversations and engagements, the broad themes of Community, Liveability, Prosperity and Sustainability were identified and will now guide the next twenty years, including serving as a framework for the four-year Council Plan.

“With the 20-year strategic plan now in place, Council looks forward to undertaking further community engagement on the details of the Council Plan in January and February.”

The Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 is now available on Council’s website at

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