Rating Strategy Consultation


Golden Plains Shire Council is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Rating Strategy.

At its meeting on 23 November, Council endorsed the Rating Strategy Propositions Paper for community consultation. Submissions on the Paper are open from Wednesday 24 November to 5pm, Wednesday 15 December.

Councillors will hold a series of Conversation Posts across the Shire and all residents are welcome to attend the Rating Strategy Consultations:

10 to 11am, Saturday 4 December: Golden Plains Farmers’ Market, 22 Byron Street, Bannockburn
10 to 11am, Sunday 5 December: Town Green, Glenelg Highway, Smythesdale
7 to 8pm, Monday 6 December: Soldiers Memorial Hall, 14 Swamp Road, Dereel
3 to 4pm, Tuesday 7 December: Yerram Yaluk Bun, East Street, Inverleigh
7 to 8pm, Wednesday 8 December: Pioneer Park, Wilson Street, Meredith
6 to 8pm, Tuesday 14 December: Online Engagement Session

Have Your Say on the Rating Strategy

The Rating Strategy Propositions Paper features two rating options for consideration:

Option 1:

Increase the Business Bannockburn differential from 120% to 130%;
Increase the Vacant Land (Non-Farm) differential from 200% to 220%;
Decrease the Municipal Charge from $310.60 to $250; and
Retain the status quo for the other differential rates.

Option 2:

Increase the Business Bannockburn differential from 120% to 130%;
Increase the Vacant Land (Non-Farm) differential from 200% to 220%;
Increase the Farm Broadacre differential from 85% to 90%;
Increase the Farm Intensive differential from 90% to 95%;
Decrease the Municipal Charge from $310.60 to $250; and
Retain the status quo for the other differential rates.

The Rating Propositions Paper and Rating Strategy Options Survey are available at Council’s website: Rating Strategy Consultation. Community members can also collect a hard copy from a Council Customer Service Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn or The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.

The completed survey can be submitted by:

Email to [email protected];
Mail to Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC, 3331, marked ‘Attention: Rating Strategy Options; or
Hand-delivered at a Council Customer Service Centre.

Submitters may request to make a verbal submission on the Rating Strategy Propositions Paper at the Council Meeting on Tuesday 21 December, 2021. Council will consider the feedback and adoption of a rating strategy option at its meeting on 22 February 2021.

For more information on the Rating Strategy Consultation, visit: Rating Strategy Consultation.

Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble encouraged residents to review the proposed changes and share their feedback with Council by 15 December.

“Rates were an important issue during the local government election last year and understandably, continue to be front of mind for residents.

“Council has spent the past four months reviewing 22 different options to share the financial impact more equitably among ratepayers in the Shire. We have narrowed down to two options and we want to hear from all ratepayers. 

“At our meeting on 23 November, Councillors resolved to hold five face-to-face conversation posts in Bannockburn, Smythesdale, Dereel, Inverleigh and Meredith, as well as an online forum, to hear directly from community members.

“We appreciate that residents are passionate about rates and we encourage everyone to review the Rating Strategy Propositions Paper and take this opportunity to share your feedback – in person, online, by written submission or a verbal submission to Council.”

Golden Plains Shire Council Rating Strategy

As part of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act), Council is required to adopt a four-year Revenue and Rating Plan, which was adopted in June 2021, however the Act allows the rating strategy to be reviewed and updated at any time. In August 2021, Council commenced a review of its rating strategy and considered 22 different options with the aim to develop a strategy where the financial burden is shared equitably amongst ratepayers.

Previously, the most recent rating strategy review took place in 2019/20 and Council made the following key changes effective from 1 July 2020:

Removal of growth differentials from all rating categories
Establishing separate farm differentials for broadacre, intensive and small farms
Increase business property differential rate to 120% for Bannockburn

The proposed rating options in the Rating Strategy Propositions Paper redistribute the financial burden amongst ratepayers. The options do not reduce the revenue collected as rates, reduce Council’s budget, or negatively impact the delivery of the Council Plan 2021-2025.

The November 2021 Rating Strategy has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020, Local Government Amendment (Fair Go Rates) Act 2015, Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2020, Australian Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements. Financial sustainability is monitored by considering the financial result for the period and key financial indicators within Council’s Annual Budget and Long-Term Financial Plan.


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