My Town - Bannockburn

About Bannockburn

With a population of around 5,000, Bannockburn is the largest town in Golden Plains Shire and in 2018 will be home to the Shire's first secondary school (Bannockburn College P-12).


Bannockburn Community Plan

Community planning is a program where community members come together to develop and implement Community Plans to improve where they live.

Local residents volunteer as community coordinators to coordinate the development and implementation of a Community Plan. To develop this plan, community coordinators seek other residents' ideas and opinions via surveys, interviews and public meetings.

Residents ideas are voted on to identify the top priority projects for the community for the upcoming three year period.

The coordinators assist local residents, groups and others who are passionate about a particular project in the Community Plan to action it.

The Bannockburn Community Plan 2017-2020 was adopted in May 2017 and can be viewed by clicking the link below. Contact details for the community coordinators are also listed.

Bannockburn Community Plan


Upcoming events

The Golden Plains Farmers Market is held on the first Saturday of every month except January.

The inaugural Golden Plains Twilight Market will be held on Thursday 21 December - further details to be advised.

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